Everything necessary for a comfortable stay is included in the total price to rent a holiday apartment: Bonclerici House provides sheets and towels (with weekly change), gas for cooking, electricity, heating in the cold season, heating for water.. the use of fully-equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, free laundry service (or free use of the washing machine), sat-tv with international channels, the use of the large garden furnished with sets of garden furniture, the use of the detailed travel guide of Cagli and the nearby villages between Gubbio, Urbino and the Frasassi caves in the north of Le Marche.
- Pets admitted.
- Shed for bicycles, ski and sports equipments. Bike friendly services. No charge is required for bike washing area in the garden, repair kits, drying room for clothes.
Renting an apartment it is possible to ask for the exclusive use of the garden. To relax and to enjoy your privacy. Ask for that on your e-mail.